Studies reveal that having mental health issues may lower down academic performance of university students due to functional limitations. To continue with their education, they may opt to avail academic accommodations- extensions, adjustments, modifications, or alternative programs that may aid them achieve academic success. With the increasing prevalence of depression and anxiety in the university among students, the researcher thought of further exploring this phenomenon using sequential explanatory approach to faculty members who had teaching load in UP Manila College of Arts and Sciences in second semester AY 2018-2019.
Sixty-eight faculty members participated in the survey that assessed their perceived reasonable academic accommodations for students with depression and anxiety. With a mean greater than 2.5, 21 classroom accommodations and 2 examination accommodations were perceived to be reasonable for both cases. To further explain, academic accommodations were means to cope with academics through understanding one’s mental health condition. It is said to be reasonable if it is within the faculty members’ academic standards and it aids effective academic functioning.
Ten agreed to be key informant interviewee in which they shared their experiences of accommodating students and the factors that influenced them to provide such accommodations. Adjustment of course rules, offering of mentoring beyond class hours and modification of course requirements were the accommodations that faculty members provide. On the other hand, faculty member’s belief system, student’s mental health condition, student’s perceived academic potential and adherence to school rules were the factors that influenced them.