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Good Governance and Transparency: The Cases of PIATCO and PEA-AMARI Deal

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dc.contributor.author Garcia, Catherine C.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-03-10T00:52:01Z
dc.date.available 2025-03-10T00:52:01Z
dc.date.issued 2003-04
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.cas.upm.edu.ph:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2954
dc.description.abstract This paper entitled, “Good Governance and Transparency: The Cases of PIATCO and PEA-AMARI Deal,” focused on the two cases (PIATCO and PEA-AMARI Deal) that contained irregularities and corrupt practices which happened to be detrimental to the general public and to the government itself, in order to study the transparency in every state transactions particularly in infrastructure and realty. Therein, the researcher had classified the irregularities into several categories (such us irregularities on the submission of the contracts, the loopholes of the agreements and terms and conditions) in order to come up with appropriate strategies to eliminate or reduce such acts. Thereafter, such strategies were classified into weak or strong as to how these were being used in state transactions (whether it was successful or a failure). As the researcher endeavors to root out the irregularities on the said projects, she comes up with the fact that in any state transactions particularly in infrastructure and realty, corrupt practices and irregularities are possible and do exists. Although no exact pattern of such practices and no data that could quantify such acts, anecdotal evidences would prove that it really exists in state transactions particularly in infrastructure and realty where there are big amounts of money involved. en_US
dc.subject Good Governance en_US
dc.subject Transparency en_US
dc.subject Corrupt Practices en_US
dc.subject PEA-AMARI Deal en_US
dc.subject PIATCO en_US
dc.title Good Governance and Transparency: The Cases of PIATCO and PEA-AMARI Deal en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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