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A Quantitative Evaluative Study on the Effectiveness of the Social Marketing Approach of Caritas — Social Services and Development Ministry in Creating Strategic Partnerships with Their Volunteers

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dc.contributor.author Gan, Katrina T.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-03-10T01:01:36Z
dc.date.available 2025-03-10T01:01:36Z
dc.date.issued 2003-03
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.cas.upm.edu.ph:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2955
dc.description.abstract Social Marketing is an approach wherein it applies the principles of business marketing for changing behavior and addressing societal problems. This approach is mostly used by non-profit and/or cause-oriented organizations which aspire to resolve innumerable social issues and improve the people's quality of life. In that view, the researcher selected the religious non-profit cause-oriented organization, Social Services and Development Ministry (SSDM) of Caritas Manila, Inc. in the Manila District. It is a social marketing organization in the sense that it is not operated for profit and it aims to develop the living conditions of people and empower the poor and the disadvantaged groups as well The researcher intended to determine whether Caritas — SSDM (Manila) is effective with their social marketing approach in creating strategic partnerships with their volunteers. This would be evaluated mainly through the compatibility of the organization's objectives and the volunteers’ motives. The researcher utilized the survey process to obtain the working motives or motivations of the volunteers in joining Caritas’ SSDM (Manila). She distributed self-administered questionnaires (using the 4-pt. Likert Scale) to current and active volunteers of SSDM (Manila). The study sample was the current and active volunteers who attended the general assembly held last February 28, 2003 (Friday) in Our Lady of the Abandon Parish Church in Santa Ana, Manila. These target respondents who were purposively sampled were from 19 different parishes affiliated with Caritas. The survey questionnaire reflected the six major motives in volunteering, which are values, understanding, enhancement, social, protective and career. The tabulated results showed, through the rating scale that the researcher developed, that all of the six domains of motivations to volunteer were the existing motives of the target sample in volunteering in Caritas — SSDM. It was concluded that the values motive was the primary concern of the study sample for it garnered the highest mean from all the six motives. For the second highest mean, it was the understanding motive, which was closely followed by the enhancement motive. The fourth, fifth and sixth domains were the protective, social and career motives, respectively. On the one hand, the researcher also discussed and outlined the objectives of the Caritas ~ SSDM Manila District which refer to the vision, mission and goals of the organization. The researcher concluded that the survey results gathered were compatible with the objectives of the Caritas - SSDM Manila. The organization was able to create an environment for its volunteers to help and achieve their own personal needs and wants as well It seemed that the tasks of the volunteers were means of attaining their own goals. The academe, the private sector and the government could do a lot in giving their parts to solve the issues of poverty alleviation and unhealthy lifestyles. The government should be vigilant also for organizations that would just take advantage of people aspiring to progress. It is also recommended by the researcher that it is time for the Filipino scholars to develop a social -marketing approach and principles such as the assessment of the effectiveness of the social marketing approach of institutions in the context of the current conditions of the Philippine society and the Filipino culture. Furthermore, there should be a broader understanding of the motivations of the Filipino people regarding prosocial behavior. Understanding and incorporating the Filipino values system in the concerns and activities of the different sectors would aid them in effectively resolving conflicts, managing social structures and creating productive relationships. Lastly, the researcher mentioned that as a nation, everyone should be sincere and show cooperation to combat this plague that has been inflicting our country for the longest time. Social marketing organizations, particularly non-profit cause-oriented institutions, should be supported so that others may have the chance to have better and peaceful lives. en_US
dc.subject Social Marketing en_US
dc.subject Non-Profit Organizations en_US
dc.subject Behavioral Change en_US
dc.subject Volunteers en_US
dc.subject Motivations en_US
dc.title A Quantitative Evaluative Study on the Effectiveness of the Social Marketing Approach of Caritas — Social Services and Development Ministry in Creating Strategic Partnerships with Their Volunteers en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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