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A Study on the Industrialization of Cavite and its Effects on Human Development

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dc.contributor.author Atangan, Frances Gail M.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-03-19T00:03:41Z
dc.date.available 2025-03-19T00:03:41Z
dc.date.issued 2003
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.cas.upm.edu.ph:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2965
dc.description.abstract There have been so much expectation and anticipation regarding industrialization in recent times. Industrialization, usually associated with the characteristically advanced first world countries, never fail to elicit beliefs about its desirability and feasibility in the Philippines. It is considered as something that is necessary for economic development and as an answer to the ever growing problem of poverty in the country. Industrialization is typically viewed as an alternative to agriculture, wherein the country does not just rely on the extraction of raw materials. With industrialization, significant progress is likely to be achieved since it involves the process of mechanization and manufacturing, the Clements which are necessary to give augment the demands for goods. Industrialization is generally associated with economics, as various theories on development assert. However, it is also possible to provide political and social aspects for it. To think of it, most programs for industrialization are not chiefly aimed just for the sake of accumulation of investments and the creation of markets. These just merely boil down to the aim of achieving economic progress, and this basically includes the sustenance of the people’s livelihood. Thus, it is interesting to study about the effects of industrialization on human development. The study specifically focused on the province of Cavite, which was among the 14 provinces deliberated for the establishment of Regional Agro-Industrial Growth Centers. The agenda was reflected in the development formula of the Ramos Administration. as espoused by the Medium-Term Development Plan. Cavite was chosen based on the availability of infrastructure, strategic value of its location and its marketability. The study was done in lieu of the fact that the province, according to the 2001 Human Development Report, was the second-ranked province in terms of human development index, an indication of the high quality of living conditions in the province. Thus, the study is intended to relate industrialization with the recent result of the human development index among the provinces in the Philippines. The study made use of existing statistical data regarding the physical and socio-economic profile of the province, such as its history, location, land area, political subdivisions, population, labor and employment, family income and expenditure, agriculture, investment, trade and industry, health, education, social welfare, human development index, and infrastructure and comparing the past and present trends on some of them. The primary data is acquired through the use of survey questionnaires pertaining to the apparent effects as well as the desirability of industrialization as perceived by the Cavitefios themselves. The survey questionnaires were taken up by respondents from various municipalities in Cavite. The findings of the study indicated a significant increase in Cavite’s population in the span of five years. This was highlighted with the fact that there is a growth in the number of subdivisions around Cavite implying a pertinent increase in migration in the province. The net income has also increased as well as the employment especially in the industrial sector. Perceptibly, the number of industrial establishments and industrial estates has increased over the past few years a sign of the continuing industrialization of the province. The survey questionnaire is comprised of two parts, the first is about the general indicators of the effects of industrialization and the second is on the perception of the Cavitefios regarding the industrialization of the province. On data analysis it was revealed upon using the chi-square test for one variable that industrialization brought about positive effects in terms of the quality of lives of the Caviteiios. To incorporate the findings of the study, it is determined that the respondents are cognizant of the changes brought about by industrialization. This was brought about by the respondents’ knowledge of the province as an industrializing one, and necessarily, the manifestations of the effects of industrialization are realized. However, as it can be noticed in the survey results, most of the respondents agreed on the statements involving the improving conditions of the infrastructure in the province such as better roads, communication, electrical and water facilities and services, the presence of subdivisions and industrial parks but they generally scored lower on the improvement on the quality of education, health, working conditions, and delivery of government services. This implies that the effects of industrialization have indeed brought changes in the province, whereby these changes are basically pertaining to the industrial, economic and infrastructure sectors. These aspects are considered as the immediate and obvious effects of industrialization. However, the respondents are less agreeing on the “human” aspects of industrialization, an indication that the people, per se, are not cognizant of the effects of industrialization in their living conditions. However, taking into consideration the statistical data acquired from various agencies regarding the socio-economic profile of the province, along with the data on the Human Development Index of the Province, it has shown that as compared with the data for the previous years, significant changes are seen regarding the standard of living among Cavitcios. With these findings at hand, along with the result of the survey, the hypothesis that industrialization has brought positive impact on the lives of the Cavitefios is accepted. As it was stated earlier, the study has found out that industrialization has contributed to the quality of life of the Cavitefios. This is in conjunction with the statistical data which were gathered at various agencies and offices regarding the province of Cavite These statistical data, showing some improvement in the areas such as industry and social sector and the high ranking of the province in terms of human development, one might assume that industrialization, together with urbanization, has contributed into the overall improvement in the standard of living of the people. However, drawing from the realities that such statistical data are by no means conclusive and are the sole determinants of the perceived condition of the province, a study on the actual sentiments and observation of the province's inhabitants must be given proper weight. Although the study generated a result that the Cavitefios believe that industrialization has provided some positive effects on the picture of the province in general, and in their lives, in particular, the negative aspects of industrialization must not be taken for granted. The study yielded a conclusion that the samples are knowledgeable about the concept and manifestation of industrialization and that it has played a major role in the significant changes that take place in the province throughout the years. For one, population has increased because of migration of people from other provinces. This is attributed to the fact that the industrial centers that were established in the province generated jobs for the populace. With the increase of population, residential communities and other housing facilities grew by the numbers. Furthermore, industrialization has also paved the way for the improvement of communication facilities, transportation and infrastructure in the province. Along with it, there seems to be a relative increase in the social services, as the people have gained better access to health and education, among others. However, this is not to say that industrialization has provided only positive effects on the lives of the Caviteiios. The people were very particular on the low wages of the workers in the factories and export processing zones, which creates an impression of poor working conditions and exploitation. Furthermore, another significant area of concern is the worsening pollution in the province, as manifested by the uncollected garbage and unrestricted dumping of wastes in the river systems. The study therefore has found out that industrialization has indeed brought changes in the overall picture of the province, from being predominantly an agricultural region to an industrialized one. These changes have positive effects on the quality of lives of the Cavitenos. en_US
dc.subject Industrialization en_US
dc.subject Economic Development en_US
dc.subject Poverty en_US
dc.subject Human Development Index en_US
dc.subject Socio-Economic Profile en_US
dc.subject Mechanization en_US
dc.subject Manufacturing en_US
dc.subject Infrastructure en_US
dc.subject Population Growth en_US
dc.title A Study on the Industrialization of Cavite and its Effects on Human Development en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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