Prevalence studies regarding tick-borne diseases are limited in the Philippines. A study was therefore conducted with the aim of determining the prevalence of tick infestation and babesiosis in backyard farm goats of San Pablo City, Laguna. Ninety goats in total were collected for ticks and blood samples. The collected ticks were identified up to the genus level by the means of a dichotomous key, and the collected blood samples were smeared and investigated on microscopically for the presence of Babesia sp. Results showed low tick infestation in the study area with an overall prevalence rate of 6.67% (6/90). Boophilus sp. (6.67%) was the most prevalent tick species recorded in the study. The relationship between the occurrence of tick infestation and the body region in the host where the tick was found was statistically significant (p <0.05), as well as the relationship with the location of the backyard farms (p < 0.05). There was not a statistically significant relationship between the sex of the host and the occurrence of tick infestation. Results showed zero prevalence in San Pablo City, Laguna for babesiosis. Further studies are needed in the better detection of Babesia sp. in blood samples and in determining the presence of tick infestation in various ruminants in different locations of the country.