A taxonomic survey of agaric and polypore macrofungi was conducted on the eastern slopes of Mt. Palemlem, Ilocos Norte. The study aimed to catalogue macrofungal species by employing combined transect line and quadrat sampling. Collection in four transect lines, each with ten 10 m x 20 m quadrats at 100-m intervals, yielded 136 identified morphospecies. Macrofungal diversity was measured using Simpson’s Index of Diversity (1-D) and Shannon-Wiener's Index (H’). The most abundant morphospecies were the polypores Microporus affinis MSPALIN-02, Stereum hirsutum MSPALIN-35, and M. xanthopus MSPALIN-03. The agaric and polypore community of the area was highly diverse with (1-D) of 0.9953 and H’ of 2.586 for agaric community, and a (1-D) 0.9817 and a H’ of 3.5851 for the polypore community. These results provide baseline information needed for observing trends of macrofungi diversity across increasing altitude, habitat, and other microclimatic factors. The important role that macrofungi play in ecosystem dynamics such as those of wood-rotting fungi can be helpful in assessing the material cycling rate of the forest. Further studies covering a longer period of observation, larger sampling area, and other ecological parameters are recommended for a more complete picture of macrofungal diversity in the area.