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Showing results 986 to 1005 of 2714 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-10Facebook depression in the context of post-adolescents of the College of Arts and Science, UP ManilaFamatigan, Trisha Anne B.
2017-05Factors affecting organizational strategic decision making processes in the Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs, Inc.Bullecer, Kathryn Claire A.
2011-03Factors Affecting the Choice of Specialty by Filipino DoctorsPascual, Pamela Jean SD.
2016Factors affecting the realization of health rights of Dumagats in San Jose del Monte City, Bulacan.Musa, Gabrielle S.
2016Factors influencing the implementation of local health programs to promote children’s well-being: a case study of Phase 2A San Jose Heights, Barangay Muzon, San Jose del MonteCoscolluela, Katrina Y.
2011-04Factors Mediating the Negative Effects of Advertisements on Young Women’s Body Imagesde Vera, Marianne D.
2016-04Factors on Case Incidence of Sexual Harassment in Company X in Relation to PowerSales, Aaron Kyle E.
2007-04The Factors that Led to the Downfall of the Dy Dynasty in the Province of Isabela: Focused on the Municipality of Hagan, Capital Town of the ProvinceCammayo, Mary Grace M.
2007-03Factors that make the Tax Collection System of Makati efficientDocena, Hans Christian V.
2010-03The failure or success of the population program under Arroyo and its impact on poverty.La Advani, Aarti
2013A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work? A study on the effects of fixed and performance-based compensation scheme on the labor condition of Metro Manila bus driversSantos, Jewelle Ann Lou Pulido
2008-04FAKATOWANGAN: Tradisyon ng Kamatayan sa mga Buhid Mangyan ng Sitio Bato-ili, Barangay MonteClaro, San Jose, Occidental MindoroEder, Zarrah Jean C.
2023-06Fake News in the Post-Truth Age: An Exploratory Study on How University of the Philippines - Manila, College of Arts and Sciences (UPM-CAS) Youth Respond to Partisan Mis/Disinformation on Facebook during the 2022 National Presidential Election (February - May 2022)Molod, Juliene A.; Prodigalidad, Ira F.
2017Fakeup: a study of globalization, beauty, and the booming market of fake makeup in DivisoriaDoropan, Mirasol Lily
2010-03FALSE HOPES: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Comprehensive Livelihood and Emergency Employment Program (CLEEP) in Addressing UnemploymentSalinas, Arvin Clark O.
2010-03False hopes: evaluating the effectiveness of the Comprehensive Livelihood and Emergency Employment Program (CLEEP) in addressing unemployment.Salinas, Arvin Clark Opiniano
2006-04Familism and its Effects on Local Politics: A Case Study in the Municipality of Victoria, Province of LagunaLarano, Melbian Jerome
2014-03Fashion as a contributing factor in corporate dominance and organizational identityAlarcon, Redimer M.
2010-04Fattener Pig Production Management System (FPPMS): An online production analysis and reporting tool for Red Dragon FarmCo, Aldrich Colin K.; Go, Katherine Joyce L.
2007The Feasibility of the adoption of the fundamental Features of the U.S. Jury System in the Philippine Criminal ProsecutionGarcia, Aura Rizza A.