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Showing results 1530 to 1549 of 2712 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-07A Machine Learning Based Web Application Focused on Predicting the Risk of Diabetes Using Explainable Artificial IntelligenceAgahan, Alfonso Luis R.
2023-06Machine Learning-Driven Breast Cancer Diagnosis Software Integrated with Explainable Artificial Intelligence Based on Fine Needle Aspirate FindingsBachini, Tristan Paul
2017-05Machine Machinations: The Relationship between Technological Innovation and Continuance Commitment of employees in the Philippine Long Distance Telecommunications Organization (PLDT)Ventura, Earvin Justin M.
2012-03Macroalgae and aquatic plant biodiversity and productivity between aquaculture and non-aquaculture sites within Taal Lake (Philippines).Salonga, Angelo M.; Garcia, Roxanne E.
2012-03A macroeconomic critique of the mining industry in the Philippines.Du, Sherlynn
2010-03Macrofungi Survey of Sagada, Mt. ProvinceCapeding, Theo Prudencio Juhani Z.; Pajarillo, Edward Alain B.
2023-08Macrohabitat Suitability Assessment of the Critically Endangered Medinilla Magnifica (Melastomataceae) in the Philippines under Present and Future Climate ScenariosMillagrosa, Patrick Michael M.
2002-03The Macroscopic and Microscopic Effects of Borax on the Roots of Allium cepa var. aggregationCielo, Aileen Grace B.; Gavino, Aries Caesar P.
2006-03Magnetic Frequency-Dependent Effects on Seed Germination and Seedling Development in Oryza saliva L. var. IR8Bautista, Ryan Oliver Danganan; Victoria, Vivian Yabut
2022-06Maka-Negosyo, Maka-Tao: The Effects of Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) Practices on Employee Relations in the Food Service Industry of Laguna, PhilippinesAgoncillo, Josefa Sophia A.
2008-03-31Makati City: The Jobstreet of Contemporary Females (An Exploratory Study on the Orientation of Career and Job Preferences of Women in the Highly Urbanized City)Almarines, Jennifer M.
2014-03Makina at pakikibaka: sosyo-ekonomikong kalagayan at pampolitikang kamalayan ng kababaihang mananahi sa San Miguel, Bulacan.Buenaventura, Mylin D.
2016-05Making her-story: phenomenology of out-standing Filipino lesbian employees and their landscape-shifting successAbuel, Irish Remy M.
2012-03Malacolocical survey along the intertidal zone of Las Piñas, Parañaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism area (LPPCHEA).Aguila, Carla Clarise A.; Chavez, Geneva Carla S.
2013-04Malacological survey of the intertidal zone in Brgy. Sta. Mercedes, Maragondon, Cavite.Canonoy, Marynole Christian A.; Justo, Maria Clarissa Z.
2010-04“Malakas Paia Ako, Maswerte Pa Rin Ako” (I am still Strong, I am still Lucky) Phenomenological Experiences of Breast Cancer Survivors and their Significant Othersde la Cruz, Jose Francisco Suarez
2011-03Malaria Vector Surveillance in Antipolo CitySanchez, Iris Katarina M.; Soliveres, Eunice Joy I.
2024-06-06Male Employees’ Perception on the Relationship of Femininity and Aversion to Women in the WorkplaceDuero, Kenn Daniel A.
2018-06Mammo: An Application of Convolutional Neural Networks on Breast Cancer ScreeningAngeles, Sigfreed John
2021Man Up: A Study on the Perspectives of Filipino Male Partners towards Women Empowerment in Metro ManilaCruz, Frances Romeana A.